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Fishing Club Report 31-5-2015
Tournament Day is the last fishing competition day of the season. 10 fishos braved a rather bleak cold day, with the contest to watch between John R and Frank C as to who would become the next Club Champion.
True to form and name True Blue ventured out the heads to assist John in maximising his chances of becoming the 2014/2015 Club champion. This proved to be a successful venture as John weighed in 6 flatties, giving him 18pts which not only won him the best on Tournament Day but ensured he would be the overall Club Championship.
Frank C rang in at 1.00pm to inform us that he would be staying in the bay for a couple of more hours, so we all presumed that he had not caught a trophy fish.
The winners on Tournament day were as follows: John 1st on 18pts, Bruce 2nd on 17.1pts, Andy 3rd on 14.6pts, Chris 4th on 11.7pts and Anna 5th on 11.55pts.
This past season there has seen a total of 405 fish weighed in, equalling a total of 221.76kgs. Let’s hope for improved weather conditions next season.
Hope to see all of you at our Presentation Day on Sunday 28th June at 12.30pm in the Sapphire Room
Fishing Club Report 17-5-2015
The weather prediction appeared to be favourable for outside fishing, but the crew of True Blue and Frank C can report different circumstances. Apparently outside the heads the conditions were akin to being in a “washing machine”!!!
Fishing in the Bay was calm but the water was still extremely muddy from the recent rain.
Chris won the day with a 76cm flattie caught at Ramsgate. He is to be congratulated as the first club member to take advantage of our Catch and Release Policy, passed at our 2014 AGM. Very simply, if you catch a large fish that you do not wish to take home but would like to gain the points to add to your total then it is a simple 3 step process. 1 Catch, 2 Photo, 3 Release, (CPR).
Thanks to his trusty crew this was accomplished in a timely fashion, photo presented at the Weigh In and Chris gained the correct number of points for a flattie that weighed 3.2kg. See photos attached to this report. Well done Chris.
Should we have a bonus point for using this process, food for thought?
So bait up and see you in 2 weeks for Tournament Day which is our last competition for this season
Fishing Club Report 15-2-2015
14 fishos spent a few hours in the intense heat. Only True Blue ventured outside, but with a swell and strong current the crew had difficulty in holding bottom and only the skipper caught one fish, weighing just 0.65kgs.
Bruce in his wisdom stayed in the river and caught 8 bream, weighing 2.9kgs but he was pipped at the post by Leo who had remained in his usual spot in the bay and caught 7 fish, weighing 4.6kgs.
Thanks to Mark, Sue-Ellen and Marnie for a great lunch.
Let’s hope for better conditions next time so bait up and see you in 2 weeks
1-2-2015 LADIES DAY
A fine sunny day and 7 ladies fished for a few hours in the sunshine.
Winner on the day was Marie with 2.35kgs of fish, just beating Willow who caught 2.2kgs and 3rd Marnie with 0.55kg.
However there was an excellent gathering of about 25 members for the barbecue because this is always cooked by Roy and Steve. They excelled themselves as usual with their spinach dip, prawns, vegetable frittata, great steaks and salads, including beetroot and an orange cake made by Steve. Well done fellas, keep up the tradition.
So bait up and see you in 2 weeks.
Fishing Club Report 18-1-2015
Another fine hot day and let’s hope this continues for quite a while. 11 fishos wet a line, but as per usual some more successful than others.
Leo anchored up in the bay and weighed in a good catch totalling 8.6kg, including this 2.4kg flattie.
Frank C and Terry P, back from holidays, spent quite a number of hours out on the bay, from late sat evening to lunch time Sunday. Just when you thought more than 8 kgs of fish would win the day, Frank weighed in an 8.1kg mulloway and a few small fish to bring his total to 10.45kg.
So bait up and see you in 2 weeks, on 1st Feb, and remember this is Ladies Day.
Fishing Club Report 4-1-2015
First comp day for 2015 and 9 fishos attempted to improve their position on the scoreboard, particularly as Frank C was still on holidays.
8 spent a few hours in the intense heat and sunshine on Sunday, however the 9th fisho, Bruce, fished in the cool of the previous evening up the Georges River at a favourite spot and won the day with 10 fish, totalling 4.15kg. The majority if his fish were excellent whiting, the largest weighing 0.6kg.
Bruce won the day with 24.45 pts, second was Chris with 16.95pts and third John with 15.75pts.
So bait up and see you in 2 weeks.
Fishing Club Report 14-12-2014
Last comp day for 2014 and Frank decided to go fishing at 9.00pm on sat. Initially he had a son for company but even he called it quits in the wee small hours. After a snooze Frank set off again and caught a large groper.
John was keen to head outside so El Capitaine, Chris, obliged even though there was quite a swell. True to current form John came up trumps with a great haul of flatties, we think it may be those coloured beads!!!.
Frank won the day with 14.1kg of fish then John second with 9 quality flatties totalling 12.9kg
Merry Christmas to all and see you in the water on 4th Jan 2015.
Fishing Club Report 23-11-2014
Yet again a fine sunny day but very HOT and outside the Botany Bay heads a sea mist made navigation a little tricky.
5 boats went out, some a little earlier than others, with 12 fishos on board and returned with a total 25kg catch of quality fish.
How unusual to have the winner on the day being Frank C with 4.8kg of fish, then 2nd Steve with 4.1kg and 3rd Bruce with 3.35 kg.
The next actual fishing day is Sunday 14th December, however our next get together is our annual Christmas Party/50th Birthday Party.
So hope to see many of you at both events.
Fishing Club Report 2-11-2014
Well our run of outstanding weather finally came to an end with winds above 20knots predicted for the morning. Frank C, Roy, Steve and Andy all fished off the back of their boats. Bruce fished up the river and Chris and John flicked a few lures off the rocks near the Club.
Only 2 fish were caught: Frank C the winner with a bream at 0.85kg and Bruce second with a flattie at 0.75kg.
So bait up and see you on 23rd Nov.
Fishing Club Report 26-10-2014
12 fishos took advantage of another fine sunny day.
Winner on the day was John R with 11 flatties totalling 5.5kg and 35.55pts. His largest flattie was 1.1kg. 2nd was Steve with 4 fish, 16.2pts and 3rd Andy with 5 fish, 15.75pts.
But the story of the day was the “one that got away” on True Blue. Apparently in a frantic period John dropped a flattie under the petrol tank!!! Now some hours later after El Capitaine Chris Hoban trailored the boat home and returned for the barbeque John remembered the fish. Now it was 30degrees in the shade, so the quote from John was “well I am disappointed not to weigh it in but under the circumstances Chris can keep it!!”
So bait up and see you on 2nd Nov as we had to change the comp date.
Fishing Club Report 12-10-2014
Yet again another fine sunny day of 28 degrees but with winds increasing to 18knots by mid-morning.
Andy had to get up a little earlier to go fishing with “The Brothers” rather than the later starting time on Kenda. But this early start produced a good catch of flatties from a secret spot just outside the heads.
Winner on the day was Andy with 8 flatties, 3.65kg totalling 16.95points, second Steve, 3 fish, 14.25 points and third Roy, 3 fish, 12points.
Fishing Club Charter 5-10-2014
10 members of the Fishing Club met at 6.30am on the Sunday of the long week-end for a charter. The weather was absolutely fantastic, could not have been better.
We all caught quality fish i.e. snapper, flathead, pigfish, morwong and jackets.
Apart from the good company, excellent fishing and great skipper, the bonus was a whale sighting and a pod of dolphins escorting us out of the Botany Bay Heads.
Fishing Club Report 28-9-2014
Today’s weather was a carbon copy of our previous competition day and to remind you of the phrase “Oh What A Beautiful Morning”.
20 fishos enjoyed several hours sunshine with winds increasing later in the morning.
The winner on the day was Adam, a new member, who caught 7 flatties totalling 5.18kg. Adam fished on True Blue, the skipper only managing 2.95kg of fish.
Now John Ryan, who usually fishes on True Blue, took his own boat out and caught 10 flattties, totalling 4.65kg, making him second on the day. Perhaps there is a message in there John!!
Bruce and Gemma fished inside, Bruce catching 5 fish, totalling 3.75kg BUT one of those fish was a 2.36 flattie. Well done Bruce, third on the day.
Now for a surprise, a happy trio of Frank C, Terry and Bill went out and caught “”0”” fish. Can’t tell you why but ask Frank C.
11 members of the club are going on a charter on 5th October so I will post those pictures later.
So bait up and see you in 2 weeks.
14th September 2014 Fishing Club Report
On the first competition day of the 2014-2015 season, the weather can only be described by borrowing a line from a Rodgers and Hammerstein musical “Oh What A Beautiful Morning”.
13 fishos spent the morning in glorious sunshine either in a boat or land based fishing.
The winner on the day was Frank C with 5.2kg of fish (30.6pts), 2nd Andy with 4.55kg of fish (22.65pts), 3rd Bruce with 2.1kg of fish (15.3pts).
John was fishing on the right side of True Blue, catching 3 kg of flatties, the largest being 1.3kg.
Andy caught the most fish, 8 flatties and 3 leather jackets. Under the new bag limit rules that commence in November this year, he almost reached his bag limit of flatties (new limit 10).
So bait up and see you in two weeks.
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15th June 2014 Fishing Club Presentation Day Report
There was a good roll up of members and their families at our annual Presentation Day. All enjoyed the wonderful food and beverages and the fantastic attention provided to us by the catering and bar staff. Thanks to all.
Our President Chris Hoban, was in his usual good form as the MC. In addition to organising the awards, he also had some wonderful raffle prizes and a most informative Trivia Fishing Quiz which was won by Mark Evans.
Our next Event is the AGM on Sunday 10th August at 11am in the Sapphire Room. Any new members are welcome to attend. The next fishing season starts mid-September, but prior to this we may have a couple of unofficial fishing days and maybe even a Charter as we did in 2013.
Winners were as follows:
Club Champion: Frank Carnovale Runner Up: Bruce Duff
Estuary Champion: Frank Carnovale Runner Up: Bruce Duff
Blue Water Champion: Andy Edwards Runner Up: Alex Schuld
Ladies Champion: Wendy Schuld
Junior Champion: Gemma Duff Runner Up: Marnie Evans
Best Boat for the Season: Frank Carnovale
Miscellaneous Trophy Awards:
The One That Got Away: Alex Schuld details available on request!!!!
The Wooden Spoon: Brian Becroft ditto above!!!
25th May Fishing Club Report
At last sunshine and moderate winds for Tournament Day, the last fishing day of the season with 13 fishos out to win a prize. But in actual fact we confirmed the Junior winner and Frank just added more points to his total. But he was heard stating that all he really wanted to do was catch a larger flattie than Leo and to-day he has achieved that. Well done Frank. Total catch for the day was 23.75kg with Bruce and Gemma catching a little over a third of the total.
The winners on the day for largest fish caught were 1st Frank C, 2nd John and 3rd Gemma. But winners on the day for total weight of fish caught were 1st Gemma 5.6kg, 2nd Bruce 4.25kg and 3rd Frank with 3.95kg.
The father and daughter team of Bruce and Gemma won the Best Boat of the day with a total catch of 9.85kg.
Highest 5 point scores for the day were as follows:
Gemma 22.8
Frank C 20.85
Bruce 18.75
Andy 17.7
Alex 15.45
The next event is Presentation Day on Sunday 15th June so see you all there.
18th May Fishing Club Report
A fine sunny day, with light winds BUT where were the fish?
14 fishos spent a few hours on the water in bright sunshine with total catch only 12.9kgs. Frank C won the day with a mixed bag of 5.6kgs, 25.8pts. Gemma had 2.3 kgs giving her 15.6pts keeping her a little ahead of Marnie. Wendy caught 2.3kgs of leather jackets, 12.9pts and Roy 1.2kgs of for 12.6pts.
Thanks to Jose and Frank for a great lunch.
So bait up and see you next week for Tournament Day.
27th April Fishing Club Report
Yet another bay day for those 9 fishos who braved the elements of wind and rain. As this season has only 2 more comp days remaining, 18th and 25th May we need the weather gods to be kind to us.
Bruce won the day with 2.45kg of fish (16.35 pts), then Gemma with 11.7pts. Marnie Evans outfished both mum and dad and received 7.5 pts.
There is a close contest between Gemma and Marnie for the Junior Championship, 47 and 41 pts respectively.
The overall Club Champion is a forgone conclusion, but the Runner Up and the Blue Water and Estuary Champions will be decided over the next 2 comp days.
So bait up and see you on 18th May.
13th April Fishing Club Report
Inclement weather again appears on a fishing comp day, when will we ever get a fine day.
6 fishos wet a line but only 2 had something to weigh in.
Bruce won the day with 7 fish, totalling 2.4kg then Frank C with 4 fish totalling 2.05kg.
30th March Fishing Club Report
Yet again a swell outside kept the 12 fishos in the bay, but what a result for a few of our members!
Frank C impressed not just himself but the rest of the club with a 7.1kg jewie. His total catch was 9.75kg.
Leo was a very happy chappy with a 3.15kg flattie and with his total catch 5.65kg he had to attach his esky to a trolley so he could wheel it from his boat.
Bruce fished up the river and weighed in 2.15kg of fish.
Frank won the day with 44.25pts, then Leo with 28.95pts and then Bruce with 18.45pts.
NB: Total weight of fish caught to- day was 24.95kg. Almost a record day!
16th March Fishing Club Report
A fine sunny day, but a large swell outside kept all 15 fishos in the bay.
This time Chris was on the right side of True Blue, landing a 3.1kg jewie, his total weight of fish caught was 3.55kg (19.65pts).
For a brief moment he thought he may have won the day but was outfished by the master fisho, Frank C, with 9 fish, total weight 4.4kg ( 25.2pts).
The total amount of A Grade Species caught to-day was 17.1kg, not bad at all, should happen every comp day.
2nd March 2014 Fishing Club Report
Another windy day and the fleet remained in the bay. John Ryan was fishing on the right side of True Blue as he won the day with a 1.78kg flattie (15.45pts), second was Frank Da Silva with a catch of 5 fish to give him 13.65 pts, third was Steve with 7.95pts.
16th feb 2014 Fishing Club Report
Weather conditions wet
Frank C won the day with 7 fish, total weight 2.8 kg and 20.4 pts
Second was Roy with 6 fish total weight 2.65 and 16.95pts
Third was Marnie Evans with 2 fish total weight 2.55 kg and 11.55 pts—seams this 7 year old is keen to be the Junior Angler of the year so Emily-Louise and Gemma need to watch out
Ladies Day – Best Weather – Best Roll Up
Sunday 2nd February, conditions excellent. In fact the best for three years.
We saw 11 boats compete and twelve ladies/girls fish. Outstanding.
Gerry won biggest fish with a 1.9KG flattie, however she was piped at the post on points
by Young Millie.
Total Points score on the day, the first three very close,
- Millie 13.65
- Vivienne 13.5
- Gerry 13.44
- Willow 12.9
- Gemma 8.7
- Wendy 7.8
- Sue-Ellen 7.68
- Maree 7.65
- Marnie 7.6
- Cheryl 3
- Megan 3
- Christine 3
And let’s not forget the great job at lunch by Roy and Steve, as usual they excelled.
Update of the full points on next weeks report, so bait up and see you all then
First Comp Day for 2014
Sunday 19th January, a great day for fishing and an auspicious occasion as well.
Thanks to the generosity of Craig Horner from M R S some weeks ago we had
a very informative and helpful safety instruction briefing. Bringing with it his life
experiences on the water. We all thought this most rewarding and our President,
Chris Hoban recommended we donate to the M R S Volunteers.
The Club received a Certificate of Appreciation from Marine Rescue Solander,
Which we are proud to display.
Mark from Aquatic Marine has finally been able to join us in the competition and
Lands 3 flathead – 2.45KG and 15.15 points. However luck was not entirely on his
side as Alex finally gets on the board and out Fishes him with 2.45 kgs of flatties
with 16.35 points.
What a magnificent Christmas Lunch – probably the best yet. Of course Santa came even without any Little’s. Special thanks to all those who contributed to the day
Roy and Steve’s New Toy a very nice 25′ Bertram. A long way from the ‘Tinney”. We can all see a lot overnight fishing trips being planned. Good luck fellas hope you catch lots of Fish.
8th December – Best Day this Season. With 12.79 kilos landed today we virtually doubled the catch for the whole season to date. New boy Billy G. has started very well with a 1.05 Kg Trevally. There were some very good Flathead caught with Leo leading the way with one at 4.62 Kg.Next competition day is 5th January 2014.
Merry Christmas see you all then.
The Leader Board looks like this.
Member |
Points |
Terry Parathyras |
45.15 |
Frank Carnovali |
41.65 |
Chris Hoban |
33 |
Andy Edwards |
31.32 |
Bruce Duff |
31.05 |
Alex Schuld |
23.4 |
Wendy Schuld |
22.86 |
Craig Horner |
18.3 |
Leo Costa |
18 |
Steve Keen |
16.8 |
William Gergies |
16.8 |
Roy Keen |
14.04 |
John Ryan |
10.2 |
Jose Rocheta |
9.42 |
Kevin Clark |
6 |
Brian Becroft |
6 |
Jusuf Luhur |
6 |
Ian Plunkett |
3 |
18 Kilos of Fish for Five Days Fishing
For the third year in a row we have seen the weather play havoc with the fishing. If its not the wind its the seas.
The best fish so far this season has been Terry’s Flatheadd on Sunday, just under 2 Kilos. Frank is holding the Flatty and a nice Bream he landed. Marie did a great job preparing the BBQ for Frank, definitely the highlight for Sunday.
Position | Member |
Score |
1 | Terry Parathyras |
42.15 |
2 | Frank Carnovali |
28.60 |
3 | Andy Edwards |
22.92 |
4 | Chris Hoban |
22.20 |
5 | Alex Schuld |
20.40 |
6 | Wendy Schuld |
19.86 |
7 | Craig Horner |
18.30 |
8 | Steve Keen |
16.80 |
9 | Roy Keen |
14.04 |
10 | Bruce Duff |
11.10 |
11 | John Ryan |
10.20 |
12 | Kevin Clark |
6.00 |
13 | Brian Becroft |
6.00 |
14 | Jusuf Luhur |
6.00 |
15 | Ian Plunkett |
3.00 |
See you all in two weeks.
P.S. While we fished Clarkey was malingering in IC2 at Stg. Hospital and still trying to tell everyone about the one that got away.
A slow start to the season as we kicked off this morning with a 15kinoe SE breeze. That held a few fishos back, particularly after the mighty win by the Roosters. This was the second comp day but it did not produce a large catch. The winner was Steve with a mixed bag a bit over a kilo. The full list and progressive totals will be posted in 2 weeks.
Craig Horner has offered to give any club members that are interested a brief summary of basic navigation skills and how to read a GPS. I will keep you posted on the dates and times.
So bait up and see you on the water on the 13th.
Winters Day Charter
It was a typical June morning at 0600 hours, S/SW winds 5 to 10 knots – 4 degrees C – COLD.
Anyway we landed about 35 good fish between the thirteen fisho’s. Not a bad day. 5 Large Pig Fish (excellent eating), Snapper & Mowong made up the majority of the catch.
2012/2013 Presentation Day
A great roll up for the day and no surprises in the results except one . Lots of fun with Garry J. winning the “One that Got Away” trophy not with the loss of a fish but the raffle tickets on the only day his number come out. Even prizes for the Little’s, here is the full result.
Club Champ Chris Hoban Second Steve Keen
Outside Champ Chris H ” Wendy S
Inside Champ Frank C ” Bruce
Ladies Champ Wendy S
Junior Champ Emily
Best Boat The Brothers Keen
Largest Species
Overall Frank C
Whiting Bruce
Bream Terry
Flathead Frank C
Tailor Frank C
Jewfish Frank C
Trevally Andy
Flounder Wendy
Mowong Chris H
Leather Jacket Chris H
With the Season over til September we decided that a Charter for those willing to brace the cold would be in order so away we went
Tournament Day – Frank & Jose clean up
Traditionally the last fishing day of the season and as usual provided some upsets in the results.
Frank De Silva, having only fished half the season, proved he had not lost the touch when there was a “quid” at stake. Not only did he win trophy for “Best Fisho on the Day” with his partner in crime, Jose won the “Best Boat on the Day”. Scoring a great 20.7 and 18.3 points respectively they certainly cleaned up.
Young Gemma demonstrated that fishing runs in the family with a second for “Biggest Catch on the Day” with a beautiful 1.95 Kg Jewie. No doubt father helped with sound encouragement while she “struggled” not to loose the fish. Anyway that’s her story. John Ryan was the winner with 2.2kg Flathead. Great one John. Oh, not to mention – he was fishing with El Presedente who could only finish with 9.3 points. However there was a consolation for the boy checkout below the final points score for the season, good on you Chris.
Pos | Fisho | Pts | Pos | Fisho | Pts | |
1 |
Chris Hoban |
156 |
20 |
Greg Charlwood |
18 |
2 |
Steve Keen |
144 |
21 |
James Plunkett |
16 |
3 |
Roy Keen |
125 |
22 |
Robert Ridges |
14 |
4 |
Frank Carnovali |
117 |
23 |
Millie Carnovali |
13 |
5 |
Bruce Duff |
98 |
24 |
Warwick Smith |
12 |
6 |
Wendy Schuld |
87 |
25 |
Megan Becroft |
12 |
7 |
Brian Crawley |
85 |
26 |
vivienne duff |
11 |
8 |
Alex Schuld |
76 |
27 |
Emily-Louise Becroft |
9 |
9 |
Kevin Clark |
74 |
28 |
Ozzie Marzic |
6 |
10 |
Craig Horner |
71 |
29 |
John Marzic |
6 |
11 |
Andy Edwards |
67 |
30 |
Cheryl Hoban |
3 |
12 |
Brian Becroft |
51 |
31 |
Mrs Marie Carnovali |
3 |
13 |
Leo Costa |
51 |
32 |
Gerry |
3 |
14 |
John Ryan |
49 |
33 |
Oliver Becroft |
0 |
15 |
Jose Rocheta |
48 |
34 |
Greg Payne |
0 |
16 |
Frank Da Silva |
47 |
35 |
Frank Raiti |
0 |
17 |
Terry Parathyras |
45 |
36 |
Luke Raiti |
0 |
18 |
Ian Plunkett |
33 |
37 |
Gary Joseph |
0 |
19 |
Gemma Duff |
25 |
Congratulations to all our winners, it was a great day’s fishing to windup the season. Good to see the young girls winning, next Event is Presentation Day on the 16th June, if you have not confirmed you attendance please do so ASAP – see you all then.
Championship Lead Narrows
With only two competition days before the close of the season, Frank C closed to within 12 points of the leader, Chris.
Frank’s Flatty weighed in at 2.55KG – not the size we have seen him land this year – none the less a good fish.
Jose and Frank D had a good day after spending most of the season on the side lines with a total of thirteen fish and a combined weight of 5.7K
Steve K is still on second after only picking up one Flatty at 400Gms.
The leader board looks like this
Pos | Name | Points | Pos | Name | Points | ||
1 |
Chris Hoban |
139.20 |
11 |
Andy Edwards |
15 |
52.65 |
2 |
Steve Keen |
137.70 |
12 |
Brian Becroft |
9 |
51.45 |
3 |
Frank Carnovali |
117.30 |
13 |
Leo Costa |
8 |
51.00 |
4 |
Roy Keen |
109.89 |
14 |
Terry Parathyras |
17 |
45.00 |
5 |
Brian Crawley |
84.60 |
15 |
John Ryan |
4 |
30.90 |
6 |
Bruce Duff |
79.80 |
16 |
Ian Plunkett |
3 |
29.85 |
7 |
Wendy Schuld |
71.07 |
17 |
Jose Rocheta |
5 |
27.00 |
8 |
Kevin Clark |
68.40 |
18 |
Frank Da Silva |
6 |
23.10 |
9 |
Craig Horner |
65.10 |
19 |
Greg Charlwood |
13 |
18.30 |
10 |
Alex Schuld |
55.35 |
20 |
Millie Carnovali |
16 |
13.35 |
Please note next comp day is the 19th May due to Mothers Day
Bait up and see you all then
31st March – Gap on Leader Closes
El Presedente’s lead has been cut by “The Brothers” – Steve and Roy Keen – and Bruce Duff who keeps bringing home Mulloway.
This is how they finished. Chris, best fish a Flathead at 1.5 Kg a total of 6 fish all up weight 3.8 Kg. Yes we checked all Chris’s fish for sinkers, all legit. Bruce best fish a Mulloway at 1.3 Kg a total of 8 fish all up weight 3.75 Kg.
Brian B was the dark horse with a 1.2 Kg Mulloway, a 0.85 Kg Trevally, one Bream, all up weight 1.45 Kg.
Roy and Steve are now getting serious starting at 0330 Hrs. and ending up with 1.95 Kg and 2.5 Kg o fish respectively.
Points on the day were;
Chris Hoban | 20.4 | Roy Keen | 14.85 | |
Bruce Duff | 20.25 | Craig Horner | 9 | |
Brian Becroft | 19.35 | Brian Crawley | 7.5 | |
Steve Keen | 15.9 | Kevin Clark | 7.05 |
With four rounds to go we have a four way tussle for the lead. Brian B will be out for a round so that will hobble him, Bruce has shortened in the betting, Steve is Keen to win the Blue Jacket and Roy is going to fish the Port side next comp to improve his luck, Chris says he is a lay down mezzaire to win. Only time will tell.
This is the top 10.
Chris Hoban |
136.20 |
Wendy Schuld |
63.87 |
Steve Keen |
120.30 |
Kevin Clark |
61.80 |
Roy Keen |
93.09 |
Bruce Duff |
61.50 |
Brian Crawley |
84.60 |
Craig Horner |
53.10 |
Frank Carnovali |
63.90 |
Andy Edwards |
52.65 |
Brian C fished his last day with us, moving to Maroochydore on the Sunshine Coast in his retirement. We all wish him well and with his new boat we are sure to receive glowing reports on his fishing results. Roy takes over the role of Weigh Master for the rest of the season.
Look forward to seeing every one in two weeks, so bait up and lets go fishin’
Update from 17th March
Miss a week and come back to a 25 knot southerly, what a shocker.
Firstly, Sunday 3rd. Six fished with only 2 weighing in. Bruce with 3 fish – 3 species and Chris landed 2 average Flathead.
As for the 17th Every picture tells a story. Surely the weather on Sundays days will improve. With only 5 comp days left before the close of the season the leader board looks like this.
Pos | Name | Total pts | Pos | Name | Total pts | |
1 | Chris Hoban |
115.80 |
10 | Craig Horner |
44.10 |
2 | Steve Keen |
104.40 |
11 | Bruce Duff |
41.25 |
3 | Roy Keen |
78.24 |
12 | Brian Becroft |
32.10 |
4 | Brian Crawley |
77.10 |
13 | Leo Costa |
30.45 |
5 | Frank Carnovali |
63.90 |
14 | Ian Plunkett |
29.85 |
6 | Wendy Schuld |
60.87 |
15 | Terry Parathyras |
24.00 |
7 | Kevin Clark |
54.75 |
18 | John Ryan |
20.10 |
8 | Andy Edwards |
52.65 |
19 | Greg Charlwood |
18.30 |
9 | Alex Schuld |
46.35 |
20 | Robert Ridges |
13.50 |
Outside of Chris and Steve the rest of us have a bit to do.
Anyway Easter Sunday is the next club day so keep your fingers crossed and bait up, see you all then.
On Bruce’s first day out since joining the Club he lands a Mulloway weighting in at 1750 grams. Although not a qualifier for Presentation Day (3 Kg or better) it was a good catch. What’s more it was equal place with Brian’s Flathead for the ‘Catch of the Day” Total weight for Bruce was 2150 grams which included a Bream and earned himself 15.45 points, Chris just edging him out of first.
Chris (alias ‘El Presedente’) had it in the bag. Five Flathead in 20 minutes, all a good size. Total weight 3300 grams and 15.9 points. I think he has been checking out Frank C’s spots – sitting in the mouth of the river waiting for the tide to turn. He did and out they came. There might be a queue there next week.
Brian was on ‘True Blue’ when he landed his only fish, the 1750 gram Flathead, what a beauty, Chris was cursing his luck. That was enough for him to earn 11.25 points and take third place on the day.
Steve & Roy ventured outside in what can only be described as poor conditions. The ‘washing machine’ has been churning for about 2 months. They came homes with a total of 5 Flathead though only averaging 600 grams apiece. But not a good finish, they had a breakdown off the heads and were towed home by the Pilot. Pew! Not good.
Wendy, on Kenda, thought all her Christmas’s had come at once when the live bait took off. It run at a rate of knots, but when landed it was a metre long Hammer Head Shark, what a let down.
With not that many more days to go the Competition table looks like this,
Pos | Name | Points | Pos | Name | Points | |
1 |
Chris Hoban |
106.65 |
11 |
Leo Costa |
30.45 |
2 |
Steve Keen |
95.70 |
12 |
Ian Plunkett |
29.85 |
3 |
Brian Crawley |
74.10 |
13 |
Brian Becroft |
26.10 |
4 |
Roy Keen |
70.74 |
14 |
Terry Parathyras |
24.00 |
5 |
Frank Carnovali |
63.90 |
15 |
John Ryan |
20.10 |
6 |
Wendy Schuld |
60.87 |
16 |
Bruce Duff |
15.45 |
7 |
Andy Edwards |
52.65 |
17 |
Greg Charlwood |
15.30 |
8 |
Kevin Clark |
51.75 |
18 |
Robert Ridges |
13.50 |
9 |
Alex Schuld |
46.35 |
19 |
Millie Carnovali |
13.35 |
10 |
Craig Horner |
44.10 |
20 |
James Plunkett |
12.60 |
3rd Feb, Ladies Day
What a great roll up, even for those who did not fish. It must have been the expectation of lunch presented by “The Brothers” – alias Roy and Steve.
Milllie no doubt has the deft touch of Dad, Catching two nice Bream and a Flathead. With no other fish landed on the day, no doubt due to the inclement weather of late, it was good to see someone landed something.
Now lunch was a treat with beautifully cooked Minute steaks, salads and toasted buns, preceded by freshly cooked prawns, savory dip served from a fresh loaf of bread and Frittata.
What a feast, well done boys, maybe they should try “My Kitchen Rules”
Welcome to new member, Bruce and his family, who joined on Sunday.
We will not mention the weather, lets hope it improves before the season finishes, anyway Bait up and see you all in two weeks
Latest News
Gary now holds the record for “the one that got away”. With the customary Raffles being draw the recipeant of Ist prize could not be found. After a the mandatory three minutes it was drawn again. Half hour later Gary finds the winning ticket up his sleve, believe it or not. And…….
Not only did El Presedente’ s Girls NOT catch a fish, he pulled the plug in the Georges River at Bald Face, nearly lost “True Blue” and had to cut the anchour free to get to lunch.
Sunday 20th January
Expectations High – Results Low
With everyone hopeful of good results, following some rather average conditions recently, 12 keen fisho’s took to the water. Frank C with his canny knowledge wisely decided to stay “inside” and took the honours on the day with a total catch of 3.55 Kg, the jewel being a 1.55 Kg Flathead. He is pictured along with Steve who thought he had the catch of the day with his 1.3 Kg Flathead. Better luck next time Steve
Both Andy and Steve landed good whiting at 400 gm a piece. Andy having to settle for a little smaller catch than he is used to however still looks pleased. (Andy’s).
Clarkey who practises during the week failed to catch a fish and El Presedente (seen here gesturing) apparently spent the best part of the Morning off the Lighthouse burleying – why burley outside?
With only 7 Kg caught on the day this is looking like a very lean season. Eight rounds completed the top 20 on the score board look like this;
Leaders |
Name |
Total Pts |
1st |
Chris Hoban |
90.75 |
2nd |
Steve Keen |
84.60 |
3rd |
Frank Carnovali |
63.90 |
4th |
Roy Keen |
62.94 |
5th |
Brian Crawley |
62.85 |
6th |
Wendy Schuld |
57.87 |
7th |
Andy Edwards |
52.65 |
8th |
Kevin Clark |
44.70 |
9th |
Alex Schuld |
43.35 |
10th |
Craig Horner |
35.70 |
11th |
Ian Plunkett |
29.85 |
12th |
Terry Parathyras |
24.00 |
13th |
Leo Costa |
20.55 |
14th |
John Ryan |
20.10 |
15th |
Brian Becroft |
19.50 |
16th |
Greg Charlwood |
15.30 |
17th |
Robert Ridges |
34.05 |
18th |
James Plunkett |
12.60 |
19th |
Ozzie Marzic |
6.00 |
20th |
John Marzic |
6.00 |
Frank C is the big mover coming from 11th to 3rd. Watch out Chris that Blue Jacket may be his again.
Again we take our hats of the boys from Marine Rescue and the Water Police who were called to rescue a boat with 3 on board, They had capsized on the Bare Island Bombora. We heard the Mayday and within 15 minutes we had both services and the Rescue Helicopter on the seen. The Police boat is seen retrieving the capsized vessel.
Again we would like to remind all that the sea is an unpredictable place and that Marine Rescue provide a valuable service to all those who use the waterways. Consider joining Marine Rescue, the application form is attached to the fishing report dated the 8/1/13.
Next date is the 3rd February – Ladies Day – “The Bothers” are catering so lets have all the girls out to fish. Please put your camera in the bag as we would like a picture of all the participants. So bait up and see you in 2 weeks.
Leo Wins the Day with 8 Flathead
Leo chose to fish with Greg C on his lovely Boston Whaler and set about landing eight very nice Sand Flathead. Although there was no extra large fish in the catch the total weight was over 6 kilos, As usual he is exaggerating on the size of his fish. Well done Leo, we will need keep an eye on the old fella he might just be deciding to get serious this season.
Fishing “Outside” proved to be a difficult for the rest of us as plagues of Leather Jackets continued to eat their way through just about anything. Loosing quite a bit of gear meant chasing species other than Flathead, unfortunately for little result.
Frank C wisely decided to stay near in and again landed a reasonable number of Bream (5) and a couple of smaller Flathead.
Good one Frank.
The biggest fish on the was caught by Robert, who was on True Blue, a really good 1100 gram Leather Jacket – at least that’s one up for the fisho’s, Hope you enjoyed eating him Rob.
Anyway it was a great day to be out fishing, good weather and good company,
During the BBQ hosted by the “snag” king Leo, we had a brief visit from Bob Wilson, Regional Director Marine Rescue NSW and a member of Marine Rescue Botany Bay. who offered to give us a short talk on the benefits of joining Marine Rescue. We will arrange that so once we have a date fixed we’ll post it on this Web page. For those of you who are already aware of the service and would like to join the Marine Rescue.
That’s the news for today; don’t forget next comp day is the 20th January followed by Ladies day on the 3rd of February.
So bait up and see you on the water.
Near Gale Force Winds Curtail Fishing
With winds exceeding 35 Knots, the last day of the 2012 year’s fishing was abandoned, consequently results remain unchanged. We captured a shot of a Fisho heading towards Capt. Cook Bridge at noon, that looks like hard work.
Hopefully we will see Steve a little happier on the 6thJan when resume fishing.
Meanwhile we wish everyone a very Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year from all the members of the STGMBC Fishing Club,
Fishing Club Report 25th November
Sunday 25th The Fishing Club Xmas Party. Yes its almost here again and we celebrated in style. The ladies doing a magnificent job in presenting the lunch and we would like to give special thanks to Nabil in providing a whole roast lamb, seen in a relaxed mood.
And of course it would not be Christmas without Santa, who delivered gifts to the littlies and seen here with something special for Darren who has had a tough year. There was a 5 Michelin Star Dessert menu, with Fresh fruit Kebabs, Trifle to die for, Pavlova, Panacotta and cakes – wow!
Now for a turn up, “the Brothers” did not win the raffle, Frank took out the main prize or at least Maree did.
Just for a wrap up of the last two comp days,
A bleak day on the 28 th Oct Three Metre Swell kept the Fleet in the Bay. It also kept the catch to minimum. Three kilos in total, made up of a few small Flathead, a Flounder, two Trumpeter Whiting and Frank with some nice Bream.
Sunday’ the 14th Oct – Fishing – Best Yet. Nine boats, fifteen fisho’s made hay of the great conditions mother nature turned on, landing over 21 kilos of “A” grade fish. This is the start we want to see with six different species coming in – Flathead, Morwong, one at 1.3 kg, bream, L J, Red Rock Cod and Snapper – fantastic.
Point Score as at today is;
Chris Hoban |
71.85 |
Steve Keen |
64.50 |
Brian Crawley |
56.85 |
Roy Keen |
48.69 |
Wendy Schuld |
47.22 |
Kevin Clark |
41.70 |
Andy Edwards |
38.40 |
Alex Schuld |
32.85 |
Ian Plunkett |
29.85 |
Craig Horner |
29.70 |
Frank Carnovali |
25.35 |
John Ryan |
17.10 |
James Plunkett |
12.60 |
Brian Becroft |
12.00 |
Terry Parathyras |
8.40 |
Greg Charlwood |
7.20 |
Ozzie Marzic |
6.00 |
John Marzic |
6.00 |
Frank Da Silva |
6.00 |
Jose Rocheta |
6.00 |
Leo Costa |
3.00 |
Warwick |
3.00 |
Megan Becroft |
0.00 |
Oliver Becroft |
0.00 |
Emily-Louise Becroft |
0.00 |
Greg Payne |
0.00 |
Frank Raiti |
0.00 |
Luke Raiti |
0.00 |
The next comp day is the 8th December, the last fishing day of 2012, so Bait Up and lets go fishing.
For all information on The Fishing Club please click here:
Sunday’s Fishing – Best Yet
Nine boats, fifteen fisho’s made hay of the great conditions Mother Nature provided.
Landing over 21 kilos of “A” grade fish, this is the start we want to see with six different species coming in – Flathead, Morwong, one at 1.3 kg, bream, L J, Red Rock Cod and Snapper – fantastic.
Winners on the day were;
1st. place Chris with 4.3 kg, 5 species and 8 fish – well done.
2nd. Craig with 3.9 kg, 3 species and 7 fish. This is no doubt a result of weekday practice and
3rd. Steve with 2.95 kg. 2 species and 5 fish.
Chris and Brian on ‘True Blue’ the one’s beat, with a total of 6 kg of fish.
This is how the points score stands after 3 rounds
1st Steve. 58.50
2nd Chris. 52.95
3rd Brian C. 38.85
4th Wendy. 37.47
5th Roy. 37.35
6th Kevin. 35.70
Andy on 31.8 points and Frank C. on 11.70. have a bit to do to hold their Championship positions. Roy will probably be spitting chips in 5th.behind Wendy, but I am sure he will be up to change that on the 28th October
Jose and Frank are still maintaining a strong hold on the ‘Wooden Spoon’ however we cannot knock their performance on the BBQ, turning out a first class effort with delicious minute steaks, fresh rolls and salad, When are you on again?.
Steve Walsh, from Bumpa-Bar Lures, dropped in for the BBQ to show us his new range of Fluor lures. These look great and what’s more they are made right here at Taren Point. Manufactured from top quality marine grade stainless steel you can see why they are the choice of fisho’s in the top end. See the full range on www.bumpabar.com. or drop into any Tackle World shop.
Next comp day will be catered for by the “Brothers” who always turn on a great feast, so don’t miss that. This may be enough to get Leo out of bed early.
Bait up and see you in two weeks
Mixed Results on a Tough Day
Thirteen keen anglers expected to see the wind decrease as the morning progressed, it was not to be.
With all out early the best we could achieve was 10 kilos mostly Flathead.
Fisho of the day was Steve with a 950 gram Leather Jacket New members, Ian and his father James, a 900 gram Jacket and 800 gram Flaty respectively .
After the second day of the season the Leader Board reads,
Steve Keen. 40.65. Points
Andy Edwards. 31.80. ”
Wendy Schuld. 25.47. ”
The Wooden Spoon is non other than Frank D and Jose, practising the art of “fish fattening”. Mainly to assist the rest of us.
Also it must be noted that Kevin C was seen cleaning 22 Morwong etc last Tuesday evening and has been given a warning that practising on work days can incur penalties on competition days.
Thanks to Frank C and his lovely wife for the usual sumptuous BBQ.
Next comp day is 14th October so bait up and see you all then. New members always welcome.
Best Regards Alex
Bumper Catch Opens the New Season
Andy lives up to his usual standard winning on the day by a mere 200 gms.
Coming in with seven Flathead and three Jackets Andy, with 4.6 kilos of quality fish. just edges out Kevin who landed ten Flathead weighing 4.4 kilos.
With “spot on” weather eleven fisho’s tried their luck. The total catch on the day was 28.3 kg the majority being Flathead, the balance Jackets, all a good size as Chris shows us – you would think he is in love with that fish.
For the first time we have introduced the option for land based fish’s to compete, so the Marzic family welcomed the opportunity to join the fun and and catch up with everyone over lunch, The kids get into the fun at weigh in as well.
John, in his first comp with us kicks off with two fish – weight 1.7 kg, nice one.
This year we have introduced a new electronic scoring system that will allow us to post the results after each round. We should have this in place by the 30th.
Everyone enjoyed the great BBQ provided by the Beecrofts for which we thank and surprisingly enough a prize in the raffle went to Roy, again and again and again.
We would also like to invite anyone interested joining the Fishing Club to contact Chris on 0419 447 092 or just come along to the BBQ about 1230 hrs on the 30th or any fishing club day. The new calendar will be posted on the home page.
So Bait up and see you all on the 30th
St G.M.B.C. Fishing Club Calender 2012-2013 Season
SEPTEMBER 16th and 30th Competition Days
OCTOBER 14th and 28th Competition Days
NOVEMBER 11th Competition Day, 25th CHRISTMAS PARTY
DECEMBER 9thCompetition Day
JANUARY 6th and 20thCompetition Days
FEBRUARY 3rd LADIES DAY, 17th Competition Day
MARCH 3rd, 17th and 31st Competition Days
APRIL 14th and 28th Competition Days
MAY 12th Competition Day; 26th TOURNAMENT DAY
AUGUST 18th AGM 11am Anchorage Room
Chairman Chris Hoban 0419447092, Vice Chairman Leo Costa 0418690157
Welcome back for the start of the 2012/13 SGMBC Fishing Club Competition
This year we have kicked off with a little light hearted Pre Season Competition. On the 19th August we fished for the smallest legal fish, with 10 Fisho’s competing. For those who missed the event Andy took out the prize with a magnificent 27cm Whiting. There was only one prize, that of a very useful 900gm frozen mullet. Actually he thought it was a bottle of Scotch. Well done Andy.
There was a good rollup for the BBQ with three new members joining us for this season. So its a warm welcome to Con and son Manuel, Greg & John, look forward to seeing you on the water
Last weekend (26th August) the competition was for the “Silliest Hat” as well as having some excuse to go fishing. El Presedente rising to the occasion presents the award to Wendy with what appears to be a pair of “reg grundies”.
On the subject of fishing this turned out to be a super day. Chris and Brian landed 9 flathead and 1 L J. Andy, Wendy and Alex caught 16 great flathead, with the total catch over 20 kilos.
1100 hrs on 9th September is the AGM followed by the lunch. We would like as many members to attend as there are a number of new items on the agenda for discussion, many of these have been emailed. First comp day is 16th September.
Any person wishing to join the Fishing Club is welcome to attend the AGM, the joining fee is $30.00 per family. “Shore based” Fisho’s are welcome as that is up for discussion at the AGM.
So bait up and join the fun.
Club Champion for the second year in a row, Frank C with a total of
407 points. Well done in a season that tested the best. Starting a new tradition Frank was presented with the club’s Blue “Club Champion”
Jacket, as were the other winners.
Outside Champion went to Andy which was no surprise, as he is one of our best outside fisho’s.
Inside Champion, Steve won the title with a meagre 15 points from brother Roy. Good fishing fellas
The scores this year indicate how tough it was as last year’s club champ scored over 1100 points.
We are all looking forward to the new 2012/13 season which will start earlier than last year, watch this space for updates. So get the gear ready, we are only weeks away from a start
The Winners on Tournament Day included Dusky Flathead, Sand Whitting and Bream, just to mention a few. Obviously we fisho’s didn’t.
This was the last day of the 2011/12 season and after the great weather on Saturday we held high expectations, however it is almost impossible to describe the conditions, lumpy, windy and very wet.
Nine fisho’s tried their luck with “True Blue” leading the way. Results; Brian C biggest fish, 0.5 Kg Flathead, and the hide to take the top prize. Other winners included, Chris H, 1small Flounder and 1 small Flathead total 0.5 Kg, Wendy S, 0.32 Kg Flounder and Andy E, 0.4 Kg Snapper. All today’s participants are acknowledged, with or without fish.
New member, Craig Homer, is currently fishing in NT and we will give you an update on his trip in two weeks.
Meanwhile we remind all STGMBCFC members the Presentation Day is noon Sunday 17th.June 2012. Confirmation of attendees would be appreciated within the next two/three weeks. Bait up see you all then.
Fishing Club Report 6 May
Old Fisho’s tales and Superstition still hold true. Sunday’s full moon and a strong west/souwestly certainly turned the fish off.
Only four boats decided to test the myth in the bay, and even Leo could not land a legal fish to weigh in.
However Kenda landed 2 Numbfish and fortunately did not feel their wrath. These fish are endemic to Australian waters and are found on sand and mud bottoms in shallow bays and estuaries,
The Numbfish can deliver powerful electric shocks with an electric organ located in each pectoral fin. This organ is used to shock crabs, worms and fishes, which make up the Numbfish’s diet or the unsuspecting fisherman.
Greg C made the day, venturing out to open waters and the 2 metre swell to land this 1 kilo plus Leatherjacket, this could well be a trophy winning fish. Greg is batching at the moment and still did a great job on lunch.
Here is Roy and Steve showing one of their many Barra catches from their NT trip.
Last fishing day of the year is Sunday 20th May and is Tournament Day, so lets make it a great last day, bait up and see you there.
Sunday 29th April
This was not a day to consider fishing, 20 to 25 Knot winds predicted and it did not disappoint.
El Presedente and Weigh Master Brian on “True Blue” and Kevin with visitor Steve on “Finatical” were the only two
boats game enough to venture out.
The catch was one fish to Chris a 400 gm Trevally, to small for the photo Chris. However Steve landed a Flathead and was quite please as we can see by the look on his face.
With only two competition days left. 6th and 20th May, we are all hoping there will be better weather ahead.
Meanwhile on a happy note Andy, Steve and Roy, have just returned from a week aboard the “Iron Lady” on the Roper River. We will have a report to give and to be sure a tail or two to tell next week.
Fingers crossed we will be able to bait up next week see you all then.
Sunday 15th April
What a day, probably the best day for fishing we have seen this summer, the highlights were 33 Kg Fish caught in total and an amazing 11 different species.
The new boy on the block, Kevin Clarke, comes in with a total catch of 8 fish, 5.45 Kg and 3 species. Kevin proudly displaying his 1.35 Kg Morwong. But he was not the only lucky one today.
Roy Keen also had 8 eight fish, 3 species totaling 5.4 Kg. that’s Roy kneeling with his catch and a beaut 1.55 Kg Flathead. He was disappointed that he did not win the raffle – what a hide!
Leo had a visitor with him today and guess what the visitors landed the biggest Flathead at 1.55 Kg, he is not being invited again.
Other notable catches were Andy with a 1.3 Kg Morwong, Frank with 8 good size Taylor and Greg with a unique Puffer Fish for his fish tank at home. Did we tell you that 2 comps ago Greg lost a good Trevally that was flapping on the deck to a opportunist Pelican, true just ask him.
Great tucker today from Frank & Jose, missed last comp report and Frank’s Kebobs, they were terrific as usual.
Bait up and see you in 2 weeks.
Sunday 18th March
Weather – Force 8 – Seas 14 metres.
Not quite but another day only for the die hards. Four boats decided the points were there for the taking.
Steve landed one bream, Chris one flathead, Brian fished with Kevin from Marine Rescue, making his debut with the club, for zilch.
Frank made the catch of the day with a trevally and a flathead.
In rear of picture is Kevin, this is the proof needed for the better half that he really did fish and not just visit the bar.
Any way a total of 3 kilos were landed, the BBQ was a better result with delicious Kebabs courtesy of Megan, perfectly cooked by El Presedante.
Any way it has got to better so bait up and see you all in 2 weeks
Best regards Alex
STGMBC Fishing Club – Ladies Day
Sunday provided a spectacular day and a great roll up by the ladies for the 2012 Surry Office National tournament.
Big winner was Ozzie (far right) collecting both largest fish,1 kg leather jacket and total catch of 2 kg. Keeping it in the family Mia took out the Junior award with a .25 kg bream
The runners up from the left were Cheryl and Wendy with .5 kg flathead each and Gerrie with a .8 kg trevally.
Catering was supplied by the duo of Roy and Steve, serving their usual delicacies to tempt the palette.
Great fishing girls, bait up and see you all in two weeks.